Trudy Tobias is a personal empowerment coach, author, game designer and motivational speaker based in North Carolina.

Growth & Empowerment topics

I’ll help you change how you see yourself so you can choose to change what you say and do…

On-Site & Virtual Workshop Examples

In this here-to-stay hybrid world, having a speaker who understands the unique challenges that come with virtual presentations — and can adapt to those challenges — is more important than ever. Trudy gives a variety of virtual and on-site presentations that can range between 30 minutes online to full day in-house workshops.


Reinventing Yourself at Any Age

Length: 30-60 minutes plus Q+A

Have you ever had regrets, wishing you had taken another path?  Do you now feel it is too late to take that path? Worry about what you should have, could have, would have done? Do you daydream about “If only…?” 

All of us have wondered these things at one time or another.  But this does not mean we have to live in a world of regrets.   Just because we took one path does not mean that it was the wrong path or that we cannot start anew to achieve the peace, love, and happiness all of us long for.  It starts by seeing ourselves in a new way, and telling ourselves a new story so that we can become the individuals that we long to be, and thereby, create a life we love.

Life Transitions

What to Do When SHI(f)T Happens:  Navigating Your Life Path when Unexpected and Unwanted Challenges and Changes Occur

Length: 30-60 minutes plus Q+A

So many of us find ourselves in the unexpected or unwanted quagmire of life and we just don’t know what to do about it.  We may wonder if we can ever get over these bumps and humps on our life path or ever be happy again. Depression and anxiety may take up residence in our bodies, minds, and souls. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way!  Please join Trudy as she shares the secrets of managing changes and challenges, utilizing a 5-step process to change your thoughts, beliefs, and responses to circumstances so you can once again enjoy the life you live!


Lights, Camera, Action!  Shine a Light on Your Goals, Get a Clear Picture of What You Want, and Take Action

Length: 30-60 minutes plus Q+A

Everyone seems much clearer on what they don’t want to have happen in their lives than what they do want.  And believe it or not, that is great news!  Why?  Because it is a necessary step in goal setting.    But as anyone who has ever made a New Year’s Resolution knows, having a goal alone is not sufficient to achieving it.  It is necessary to take action to achieve those goals. 

In this presentation Trudy will share with you the step-by-step process to own your goals, how to circumvent the challenges to achieving those goals, and create your own action-oriented road map to get to your desired destination.

Toxic Relationships

Getting Unglued – In a Healthy Way!  How to Get Unstuck from Harmful Relationships and Situations

Length: 30-60 minutes plus Q+A

Let’s face it – change is scary!  We human beings like our comfort zones.  But what if staying as we are is actually harmful to our wellbeing?  A very clear example of this is the battered wife syndrome where the wife goes back to her abuser again and again.  Hopefully, you are not being physically abused, but chances are if this talk title appealed to you, you are being emotionally abused in some way – whether from others or yourself! 

This talk addresses ways to determine if your relationship or situation is acting as an emotional vampire - draining your energy, vitality and feeling of well-being, and if so, how to garner the courage to step out into the unknown in order to be free, vibrant, and alive.


Rethinking Successfully

Length: 30-60 minutes plus Q+A

“Attitude is the Mind’s Paintbrush – It Can Color Any Situation.”  Learn how to literally change your mind through the power of your thoughts and gain power over your attitude and life!

This is the first step needed in reinventing oneself, and is the foundation for transformation.  The way we think, or talk to ourselves, creates our beliefs and can determine the quality of our relationships, our ability to be successful in our careers, and even our own health and well-being.  We all know people who think the glass is half-full while there are others who see the glass as half empty.  While some of our attitudes and beliefs come from genetics and upbringing, there is a good portion (40%) of our brains that is malleable and can be trained.  You will learn how to stop stinkin’ thinkin’ and develop empowering beliefs.  In sum, this talk will present practical strategies for how to train your brain for health, wellbeing, and success! 

Stress Management

Improve Your Health, Relationships, and Work Life

Length: 1 hour including experiential opportunity and Q+A

Effective Communication

How to Improve Relationships at Home and Work by What You Say…And by How You Say It!

Length: 30-60 minutes plus Q+A

Everyone experiences stress, and it’s important to know that not all stress is “bad.”  Stress that motivates us can help us improve our performance, but too much stress or stress not dealt with appropriately can lead to dis-stress, which scientifically has been proven to be linked to disease.  A body that is not at ease (dis-ease) is 3 times more likely to develop a serious illness because of the impact on our immune system.  Stress also impairs our ability to problem solve and to respond to situations in a healthy manner and shuts off effective communication. 

In this presentation many facets of stress management will be taught along with experiential opportunities.  The presentation goes beyond the obvious of getting rest and relaxation, and eating well, by teaching ways to reduce stress in our minds, brains, and bodies.

This presentation combines techniques from Non-Violent Communication, developed by Marshall Rosenberg in the 60’s to aid understanding in the Middle East, with proven communication techniques employed by marital therapists and life coaches such as world renowned Tony Robbins.  This is an experiential program to get a taste of how to negotiate with the result of understanding how to meet one another’s needs in impactful ways.